In response to the expanding reality of the COVID-19 crisis, the local Valley Area Network for Immigrant Transportation Assistance (VANITA) and NewBridges IRC have established a fund to support individuals who will not receive federal CARES Act funding.

TOTW IS POSTPONED Once a year, NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center invites local businesses and community members in the Harrisonburg area to both sponsor and attend our annual fundraising event, Taste of the World.  For 14 years, Taste of the World has been our flagship event. Featuring foods, décor, and music from around the world, we strive to integrate our community involvement […]

We had the opportunity to produce our first in-house agency promotional video this summer and early fall, entitled “Get to Know NewBridges.” We created this video with the purpose of showing it at the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale during the auction – to the planners of the event, thank you for this opportunity! Enjoy!
