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    NewBridges Fall Newsletter

    Check out our Fall 2020 newsletter and be a part of helping us meet our year-end challenge goal of $15,000 raised by December 15! A gift from you will have twice the impact on our important work in Harrisonburg and the Shenandoah Valley.

    Early Voting Video

    Daniel Jones, an intern with us this semester from Bridgewater College, made us an informative video on how to vote early in both Harrisonburg City and Rockingham County. You can vote early in Virginia until the 31st of October!

    Relief Fund established for local immigrant financial needs

    In response to the expanding reality of the COVID-19 crisis, the local Valley Area Network for Immigrant Transportation Assistance (VANITA) and NewBridges IRC have established a fund to support individuals who will not receive federal CARES Act funding.

    COVID-19 Preparedness Checklist

    Check out this COVID-19 prevention and preparedness checklist from the Public Health offices of Seattle and King County, Washington (through the Virginia Department of Health). Spanish translation by NewBridges.

    My year in reflection: Ali Zuercher, Mennonite Voluntary Service Intern

    As my year of voluntary service comes to an end, I reflect on my time with NewBridges and the moments and lessons that I will take with me.

    Family Matters

    An uproar concerning the thousands of “missing children” lost by the federal government, as well as the separation of immigrant families, have caused us to think more critically about what is actually going on in the White House and at the border.

    Importance of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and who is affected

    Ending the TPS status will take away work authorization from hardworking men and women and risk sending them back into harm’s way and splitting families.

    A Brief History of Immigration in Harrisonburg

    The Shenandoah Valley has been a cultural crossroads for thousands of years. The biodiverse climate has supported a multitude of people groups from hunter-gatherers in the Archaic age to Native American tribes who resided in the area until the early 1700s.

    No Matter Where You’re From

    In 2015, the pastor of Immanuel Mennonite, Matthew Bucher, approached Howard with the idea to paint a sign. Howard recalls that Bucher handed her a paper with the message written in three languages and asked her if she would be interested in creating the sign.