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    Volunteers Needed! Spanish Fluency Required

    We are in need of Spanish-speaking volunteers to help work alongside our office staff on Monday mornings and Thursday during the work day, 9:00 am-5:00 pm. If this sounds like you, fill out our online volunteer application today!

    New Faces at NewBridges: Welcoming New Staff

    Since early 2019, we have made two wonderful additions to the NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center staff team. See our latest blog post to meet them!

    Faces of Freedom: Skyline Middle School Play Brings Hope for Immigrants in Harrisonburg

    “One of the characters in the story said ‘they give you that look’...I’m pretty sure I’ve experienced that look more than once.” Sarah, a 7th grader at Skyline Middle School, is an immigrant whose family came to America from Iraq when she was 7. She’s the Assistant to the Director for Skyline’s most recent play, Faces […]

    Welcoming New Staff

    Over the summer months, we have made two wonderful additions to the NewBridges IRC family. Welcome to Julio Reyes Flores and Ricardo Mazariegos! They have both happily written about themselves, so please enjoy their self-introduction below. We are so blessed to have crossed paths with these two wonderful, kind, devoted, and intelligent men. They are both […]

    Harrisonburg International Food Guide

      There is no shortage of ethnic food here in Harrisonburg--from Mexican tiendas to Kurdish cafes, there are an abundance of options. If you want to try new delicious cuisines, check out our comprehensive guide of all the international restaurants, stores, and food trucks in the Harrisonburg area. Many of these localities are owned and operated by […]

    No Matter Where You’re From

    In 2015, the pastor of Immanuel Mennonite, Matthew Bucher, approached Howard with the idea to paint a sign. Howard recalls that Bucher handed her a paper with the message written in three languages and asked her if she would be interested in creating the sign.

    A Response to President Trump's Immigration Orders

      On January 27, 2017 at 4:42pm,  President Trump signed an executive order halting all refugee resettlement for 120 days (with occasional exceptions for religious minorities), barring Syrian refugees from entering the country indefinitely, and temporarily banning everyone, including refugees, from seven Muslim majority countries from entering the United States for at least 90 days. […]

    After the Election: How to Support the Local Immigrant Community

    Many people are concerned for the immigrant community in light of the recent election results. Interacting with and advocating for immigrants are tangible ways to take a stand against the fear and hate that seem to have set the tone of many national conversations about immigrants. Keep reading for a list of ideas of practical […]

    The Welcoming City: Harrisonburg City Public Schools are Recognized by New America

      “Residents of Harrisonburg, Virginia characterize the town as a ‘welcoming community’ that ‘embraces diversity’ and as a place with a very ‘unique and powerful story’ to tell. It’s a story of a changing community that accepts diversity rather than rejecting it. Why would this be the case when many other communities have approached similar […]