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    Five Questions About U.S. Immigration: A Fact Sheet

     The new year has come, bringing with it the end of one presidential era and the start of a new one. As stated in the last NewBridges blog post, one of the most important things that Americans concerned with the well-being of immigrants can do during this time of transition is to educate themselves about […]

    After the Election: How to Support the Local Immigrant Community

    Many people are concerned for the immigrant community in light of the recent election results. Interacting with and advocating for immigrants are tangible ways to take a stand against the fear and hate that seem to have set the tone of many national conversations about immigrants. Keep reading for a list of ideas of practical […]

    Después de la elección: Informacion importante sobre inmigración

      Aquí en PuentesNuevos estamos trabajando para juntar información que podamos compartir con los de Uds que tienen preguntas después de la elección.  Decidimos hacer unos videos con instrucciones.  Este primer video es una introducción.     Sabemos que muchos jovenes que tienen DACA quizás están preguntando que hacer.  Este video se refiere a ese […]

    The NewBridges Immigration Clinic

    The Board of Immigration Appeals awarded recognition to NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center as an approved site and Alicia Horst was accredited to provide immigration legal counsel in December, 2014. Over the last 6 months, NewBridges has been meeting with people to provide consultations, representation, and/or referrals to attorneys. We offer this service for a nominal […]

    Valley Immigrant Stories Project

    As Congress discusses possible versions of a new immigration law, take time to listen to the stories of people living and working in this community at

    Immigration Changes

    Since the Obama announcement on June 15 regarding work authorization and deferred deportation for undocumented young people, we have received a number of requests for further information.  For the sake of simplicity, the following are three suggested guidelines for those families considering the registration process for this potential new program: 1.  DO NOT fill out […]
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