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    Relief Fund established for local immigrant financial needs

    In response to the expanding reality of the COVID-19 crisis, the local Valley Area Network for Immigrant Transportation Assistance (VANITA) and NewBridges IRC have established a fund to support individuals who will not receive federal CARES Act funding. Bilingual volunteers will talk with families to determine their current need for assistance.

    If you would like to donate to this fund, click here. Select "other" and type the amount that you would like to give, and be sure to type Relief Fund in the box for "name or occasion." This will designate your gift to the Relief Fund.

    Starting April 20, persons interested in connecting with financial aid should call our main number (540-438-8295) and explain the reason for the call, the name of the interested person, and a phone number where they can be reached.

    Sincerest thanks,

    Your friends at NewBridges
