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    Welcoming New Staff

    Over the summer months, we have made two wonderful additions to the NewBridges IRC family. Welcome to Julio Reyes Flores and Ricardo Mazariegos! They have both happily written about themselves, so please enjoy their self-introduction below. We are so blessed to have crossed paths with these two wonderful, kind, devoted, and intelligent men. They are both committed to serving this community with compassion and integrity. We are so lucky to have them and are excited as they join the team and meet our community.

    Julio Reyes  Julio Reyes Flores

    "I am from Callao, Peru, where I live before coming to the U.S. to do a M.A. in Conflict Transformation at Eastern Mennonite University, which I completed in 2016. I worked as a lawyer in Peru for eight years and recently I fulfilled the requirements and submitted my papers to become an Accredited Representative before the Board of Immigration Appeals."

    Ricardo Mazariegos

    Ricardo Mazariegos

    I have lived for 25 years in the Valley: 5 in Harrisonburg, VA, and 20 in Churchville, VA. I’m the father of 2 children. In my free time, I love to take on challenges especially related to audio/video software. I also like learning about history and fixing things around the house and office."

