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    Announcing Taste of the World 2016!

    NewBridges is located in a town where children in the City schools come from families that speak a total of almost 50 languages. Our remarkable diversity is the reason that NewBridges exists.
    As a community based agency, we are funded almost exclusively from individuals and churches. Over the last 10 years, our yearly fundraiser has celebrated many different cultures in the Shenandoah Valley. Each year, we highlight a particular international region. Some years, we have celebrated individual countries, such as Brazil and Mexico. Other years, we have celebrated regions, like Southeast Asia, or East Africa.
    This year, we will be celebrating the Middle East. The Shenandoah Valley is home to Kurds and Iraqi Arabs (among other countries) that have lived here a number of years. Some Kurdish families, for example, have lived here for almost 20 years! You are invited to celebrate with us on Saturday, March 19, at 6:00 p.m. at Park View Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg, VA. The celebration will include a lot of food, music, a silent auction, and storytelling.
    For more information about the silent auction and to ask questions, check out our Facebook event. The deadline for RSVPs is March 9.


    Space is limited, so please purchase your tickets as soon as you are able. You may purchase your tickets online here (online tickets have a nominal surcharge for credit card processing). Sold out - thanks everyone! For more information, check out our Facebook event.

    Taste of the World 2016 Poster
