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    Stakeholder Spotlight: Alicia Horst

    This is the first of a new series called Stakeholder Spotlight! We will be posting a new Stakeholder Spotlight each Tuesday featuring a board member, staff member, or volunteer! We hope this will give you an insight into the people that are behind NewBridges!!
    Introducing: Alicia Horst, our executive director!!
    Alicia has been working with NewBridges for 3 years now. Her favorite thing about NewBridges is storytelling- between stories at the office, in community groups, and more. People tell these stories to help with cultural adjustment and transition. In the office, she balances clients, volunteer management, event planning, and more. She dips into a little bit of everything and always has the answer.
    On a free day, you can find Alicia discovering and eating at ethnic restaurants in town or hiking in the beautiful Shenandoah Mountains nearby. She is also training for her third half marathon and loves to travel, especially internationally.
    Thursday: Newsletter to be finished on Monday, after the International Festival
