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Please contact us using the form below, or call us at 540-438-8295.

    Immigration Changes

    Since the Obama announcement on June 15 regarding work authorization and deferred deportation for undocumented young people, we have received a number of requests for further information.  For the sake of simplicity, the following are three suggested guidelines for those families considering the registration process for this potential new program:

    1.  DO NOT fill out any paperwork right now.  The process is not clear yet.  Anyone promising you immediate help is lying and has questionable motivations.  Persons who might be eligible for this program will need to wait at least until mid-August for reliable information about the process.

    2.  While you wait, gather all your identification documents and proof that you have lived in the United States for at least 5 years.

    3.  Maintain updated identification documents from your citizenship country.
    For questions, please call our office and we will connect you with more specific information.
