Têkevin têkiliyê

Ji kerema xwe forma li jêr bi me re têkiliyê daynin, an jî li me bigerin 540-438-8295.

    About Us

    Dîtin û Mîsyona me

    Bi navgîniya perwerdehî û ezmûna berfireh ve di dînamîkên taybetî de ku bandorê li jiyana koçber û penaberan dike, dezgeh bi dilgermî dixebite ku koçberan têkildar bike, çandan bi hev ve girêbide, û civakekê ava bike bi vîzyonek ji bo civakek pêşkeftî ku her kes dikare jê re bibêje malê. Em karê xwe hem li ser kêmkirina barê ku kes û malbat dema ku koç dikin cem civaka xwe û hem jî baştirkirina hişmendiya civaka herêmî û têgihîştina ezmûna koçber û sûdên herêmê.

    Dîroka me

    NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center first opened its doors in 2000 when a group of local Mennonite churches recognized and responded to a changing demographic in the Shenandoah Valley. In an effort to support these newcomers, the board chose to focus our mission on human services. For its first fifteen years, the agency was located in Community Mennonite Church. In August 2015, the agency moved to West Water Street in Harrisonburg. In 2023, NewBridges expanded to our current location at 41-B Court Square in downtown Harrisonburg. The agency also added a full-time immigration attorney to our staff. We are 100% locally funded! Our supporters include private donors, churches, the City of Harrisonburg, and local Community Foundations.
