
NewBridges Fall 2021 Newsletter

Check out NewBridges’ Fall 2021 Newsletter!

Nûçegihana Bihara NewBridges

It's finally spring and NewBridges is gearing up for another busy year! We are keeping our eye out for news about pathways to citizenship which will help a lot of folks here in the Valley, and calls for representation are coming in daily.


Li Bultena me ya Nîsana 2013 binêrin vir!

Hezîran 2015 Newsletter

Me nûçenameya xweya Hezîrana 2015-an weşand! Fêr bibin ka em pê çi bûne. Ji bo pirsgirêkên berê vir bitikîne.


Bultena me hat şandin! Vira bikirtînin da ku bixwînin.