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Ji kerema xwe forma li jêr bi me re têkiliyê daynin, an jî li me bigerin 540-438-8295.



    NewBridges Dec 2023 Newsletter

    “Is this the office of NewBridges?” Only 5 days following his release from immigration detention in Tucson, Marco* arrived in Harrisonburg to discover that his family “sponsor” was unable to provide the housing or financial support Marco had believed possible. He showed up at our doors knowing just one thing: someone had told him NewBridges […]

    Interview with Cindy Hunter – NewBridges Interim Director 

    Cindy Hunter shares about her new role as NewBridges' interim director.

    Reflections from Eleni Filley – NewBridges Summer Legal Intern

    Eleni reflects on her summer with NewBridges as a legal intern.

    Interview with Eleni Filley – NewBridges Summer Legal Intern

    Eleni shares about what led her to an internship with NewBridges and why she is pursuing a law degree.

    Interview with New Staff Attorney, Steve Smith

    Steve Smith discusses his career as an immigration attorney, what drew him to join the NewBridges team, and his hopes and dreams for the Harrisonburg Community.

    NewBridges Fall 2021 Newsletter

    Check out NewBridges’ Fall 2021 Newsletter!

    Nûçegihana Bihara NewBridges

    It's finally spring and NewBridges is gearing up for another busy year! We are keeping our eye out for news about pathways to citizenship which will help a lot of folks here in the Valley, and calls for representation are coming in daily.

    Ji bo Civata Mezin Bidin beşdarî me bibin!

    Di dema Civata Mezin a 4-emîn a salane ya Harrisonburg û Rockingham de beşdarî pîrozbahiya civaka me ya cihêreng bibin!

    Lîsteya Xwestekên NewBridges

    Check out NewBridges' wish list for items we need!