Têkevin têkiliyê

Ji kerema xwe forma li jêr bi me re têkiliyê daynin, an jî li me bigerin 540-438-8295.

    Bixêrhatina karmendên nû

    Di mehên havînê de, me du pêvekên xweş li malbata NewBridges IRC kir. Hûn bi xêr hatin Julio Reyes Flores û Ricardo Mazariegos! Wan her duyan jî bi kêfxweşî li ser xwe nivîsandiye, ji kerema xwe ji xwe-danasîna wan a li jêr re kêf bikin. Em gelek bextewar in ku me rê li ber van her du merivên ecêb, dilnizm, dilsoz û zana vekir. Ew her du jî dilsoz û dilsoz ji vê civatê re xizmet dikin. Em bi wan re pir bextewar in û dilgeş in ku ew tevlî tîmê dibin û civata me nas dikin.

    Julio Reyes  Julio Reyes Flores

    "I am from Callao, Peru, where I live before coming to the U.S. to do a M.A. in Conflict Transformation at Eastern Mennonite University, which I completed in 2016. I worked as a lawyer in Peru for eight years and recently I fulfilled the requirements and submitted my papers to become an Accredited Representative before the Board of Immigration Appeals."

    Ricardo Mazariegos

    Ricardo Mazariegos

    I have lived for 25 years in the Valley: 5 in Harrisonburg, VA, and 20 in Churchville, VA. I’m the father of 2 children. In my free time, I love to take on challenges especially related to audio/video software. I also like learning about history and fixing things around the house and office."

