Klînîka Koçberiyê ya NewBridges

Lijneya Gaziyên Koçê naskirin ji Navenda Çavkaniya Koçber a NewBridges re wekî malperek pejirandî û Alicia Horst hate pejirandin ku di Kanûn, 2014 de şêwirmendê dadrêsî yê koçberiyê peyda bike.
Di 6 mehên paşîn de, NewBridges bi mirovan re civiya ku şêwirmendî, nûnerî, û / an sewqî parêzeran bike. Em vê xizmetê ji bo heqê navînek ku ji hêla ve tê pejirandin pêşkêş dikin Lijneya Gaziyên Koçê for those persons who cannot afford an attorney's fees.
It is especially important that immigrants not consult with local "notarios," persons who offer to fill out paperwork for a fee and lack training and supervision. Local immigrant families have received incorrect legal counsel that has jeopardized their entire process and separated family members for many years. For any questions regarding the immigration process or to request a consultation, please call us at 540-438-8295.
