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    La gravité donne un coup de pouce à NewBridges

    Auteur : Nate Delesline III
    Date : 10 janvier 2012
    Publication : Daily News-Record (Harrisonburg, VA)


    REMARQUE : NewBridges est ravi de partager l'article suivant qui décrit notre merveilleux partenariat avec Gravity Group. Un point de clarification, cependant, est que notre site Web est une gracieuseté d'Estland Design.

    HARRISONBURG - NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center has a new professional-grade website and publicity materials - all at no cost - thanks to Gravity Group, a local marketing and communications agency.

    The brand makeover, which also included a new logo, brochures and a tagline, were donated to NewBridges, which beat out almost three dozen other nonprofits that applied for the company's "brand challenge."

    NewBridges began in 2000 as an initiative of several local churches to serve the Harrisonburg area's immigrant community.

    Alicia Horst, NewBridges' executive director, said it's an ongoing challenge for nonprofit organizations to effectively communicate their message and goals to clients, donors and the community, all while working with a limited budget and small staff.

    "You're there to help people, but you're not always thinking about all these other audiences," Horst said. "It's a learning curve."

    Le personnel de Gravity Group a également créé un manuel de marque pour NewBridges et a aidé le petit personnel de quatre personnes à comprendre comment mieux utiliser Facebook et d'autres sites de médias sociaux.

    La société a sélectionné NewBridges parmi environ 35 autres groupes à but non lucratif qui ont demandé l'opportunité d'avoir une évaluation du marketing et de la marque exécutée par des professionnels en 2011.

    "What we really looked for was an organization [where] there was a definite need and they showed a lot of potential," said Lindsey Laughlin, a marketing and communications specialist with Gravity Group, which has been in business in the Valley for about 20 years.

    Christian Perritt, Gravity's creative director, said he hopes other local companies will follow its lead in partnering with nonprofit organizations.

    "Your brand identity is key to how audiences perceive you, and I think NewBridges' new brand identity will help them to better share their story with their clients, donors, and volunteers," Steve Gilman, president of Gravity, said in a statement.

    Starting this month, Gravity will begin accepting applications for what they're dubbing the 2012 nonprofit brand challenge. Gilman said the company's goal is not only to serve organizations, but to empower them as well.

    Horst said she's excited to move forward with New Bridges' new look.

    "What I'm realizing is that we have incredible tools and it's up to us to utilize them well," she said.


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