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    NewBridges Dec 2023 Newsletter
    Engage. Connect. Build. Newsletter

    “Is this the office of NewBridges?”

    Only 5 days following his release from immigration detention in Tucson, Marco* arrived in Harrisonburg to discover that his family “sponsor” was unable to provide the housing or financial support Marco had believed possible. He showed up at our doors knowing just one thing: someone had told him NewBridges could help.

    NewBridges provided Marco with legal assistance to follow up on his scheduled asylum hearing and work permit application, while local shelter and day program staff helped him secure food and a place to sleep. Marco’s story is one of many we could share of folks who arrive not knowing what their next steps might be or where to seek assistance. Thanks to you, we are able to offer legal and troubleshooting responses that are relatable, personal and empowering.

    *Name changed

    Worker photo

    YOU make change

    In 2018, I moved to the Valley. Like thousands of others who have come here, I found a lot to love: opportunities for work, good schools, affordable housing - it was 2018 - and a welcoming community. I came wanting to be a part of something bigger than myself, and found a place to do that at NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center.

    I was volunteering for NewBridges at the time, and I can tell you, what we’ve achieved in 2023 was a far-off dream five years ago. We hired a full time immigration attorney, moved to a more accessible office (no more stairs!), and found new ways to expand the services we offer to immigrants and newcomers. Despite these changes, we’ve kept our client fees low through the support of this community.

    Last year, 367 donors - folks like you and me - gave gifts totaling more than $300,000. More than 1,000 people will receive this newsletter and hundreds more will get our e-newsletter or see it online. If each person gave just $100, we would surpass our year-end fundraising goals. To make it even easier, we have secured a generous $10,000 match from a private donor.

    We rely on this community to provide affordable services to hundreds of clients each year. This might be your last chance to show your support in 2023. Make a gift, then share our newsletter and see your impact spread.

    THANK YOU!! - Leah Hackman

    Make a Change image

    Director News

    NewBridges navigated several dynamic changes in 2023. With your help, we hired an immigration attorney; moved to a new office space; and in December hired a new executive director! Our new office space at Court Square is visible, roomy, and accessible to clients of all abilities. The inherited courtroom, which we also use as a conference room, is the perfect space for holding mock court sessions for nervous clients getting ready to defend their asylum cases in a real courtroom before an immigration judge.

    We bid farewell to former director Russell Leary with sadness and gratitude; he left us in very good shape organizationally and made meaningful inroads to supporting an influx of Ukrainian community members. Those relationships continue to blossom as our legal team helps Ukrainian families navigate a changing legal landscape to a new Temporary Protected Status. Cindy Hunter assumed the interim directorship and will remain a part of our team, transitioning into more of a social work role.

    Suzanne Grossman, who will become our Executive Director in mid-January, has dedicated her career to immigrant and international communities and is an expert in promoting immigrant health. She has extensive experience working in immigrant and refugee-focused nonprofits. We look forward to introducing her to you soon!

    Suzanne Grossman portrait
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