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    ¡Celebra con nosotros el 7 de octubre!

    NewBridges Immigrant Resource Center is celebrating 21 years of serving immigrants in the Shenandoah Valley, and we want you to join us! Bring your friends and family and join in the fun at Brix and Columns Vineyard on Thursday, October 7 from 6:00 - 8:00pm. This event is outdoors and features live music on the patio from the Olivarez Trio. Bring a picnic (no outside alcoholic beverages allowed) or purchase food from a food truck at the event. Regístrese antes del 30 de septiembre para recibir una copa de vino Brix and Columns cortesía de NewBridges. Se pueden encontrar más detalles en www.newbridgesirc.org/rsvp

    Español de México